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Rehearsal Room Blog

Join us as we explore enter The Changeling rehearsal room... Over the next few weeks cast and creative will be blogging daily sharing their experience of working as an ensemble, their research and staging this monumental play. 


Started the day with a movement call. Shaking off some cobwebs around the muscles with some stretches that a Yogi would be impressed with. Ask any Lazarite about Zeus squats and I’m sure they’d (un)happily give you a demonstration. We also engaged in an exercise which involves throwing balls to each other. Investigating what makes effective communication through body language, eye contact and intention. We rounded off the working day by playing together on the first Alsemero speech. We tried sending each part of thought to different points eg. Another person on stage, God, yourself. Discovery: it’s almost never yourself.

Hamish Somers (Ensemble)

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First day in the room with the full company and creatives. Lovely to begin to get to know my fellow collaborators: Dane’s favourite colour is purple with orange as a close second and Henrietta loved ‘Dear England’ at the National Theatre. We did a read through up our feet. With worksheets spread around the room with different thematic headings we were to write down anything from the script that pertained to them. I mostly worked on ‘Animals/Nature’. Not as many as ‘Body Parts’ or ‘Love’ but when used the imagery Middleton was very detailed.

Hamish Somers (Ensemble)

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The day started with a long physical warm up, tuning into our bodies and noticing how it feels. Then lots of ball games which warmed the mind up (and refresh on everyones names). After lunch we spent time doing some text work exercises, focusing on the opening speech of the play. We broke the text up into thoughts and parts of thoughts and tried each part 101 different ways. Trying it as if talking to the audience, other characters, one other character, God, an object and to ourselves - and all the different ways within those. We finished off the day with some filming and then of course Friday Night Drinks!!

Kiera Murray (Ensemble)

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