Support Us
Your support helps us support emerging talent, create first time theatre experiences for 1000's of young people each year and make big, bold, ensemble productions of some of the greatest plays ever written.

2023 Company of The Changeling, Image by Charles Flint
Lazarus is a not-for-profit organisation that welcomes the generous support of our Friends, Angels and Supporters.
If you, like us, love big, epic, ensemble, storytelling, then we would love to have you with us. Join us as a Lazarus Friend or Lazarus Angel.
Become a Lazarus Friend
Donate £30 a year
Lazarus Friend Benefits include:
-2 free tickets to every production in that season
-Your name will be added to the Lazarus Wall of Fame & be credited in our programme
Become a Lazarus Angel
Donate £300 or more a year
Lazarus Angels Benefits include:
-2 free tickets to every production in that season
-Cast and Creative meet and greet
-Your name, business or organisation will be added to the Lazarus Wall of Fame & be credited / receive a full page advertisement in our programme
Production Images from 2010 until 2023, taken by Adam Trigg & Charles Flint

Thank you to...
Kerry Irvine
Jasmine Cullingford
Sue and Stephen Downing
Alice Kay Brown
Phillip Rowe
Jane Daly
Gemma Allred
Paul Mitchell
Stephen Hepburn
Jane Yeh
Martin O'Reilly
Sean McEnaney
Jamie Taylor
Kate Bannister & Karl Swinyard
Rosamund Shelley
Daniel Macfie
The Ken Pickering Family
The Marlowe Society
Timothy Sheader
Simon Millson & Simon Willis
2019 Company of Lord of the Flies, Image by Adam Trigg