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Rehearsal Room Blog

Join us as we explore enter The Changeling rehearsal room... Over the next few weeks cast and creative will be blogging daily sharing their experience of working as an ensemble, their research and staging this monumental play. 


French Scening! Today we put the full play back together after spending days breaking it apart and digging into the meanings. The exercise was bonkers, fun and accompanied by a banging playlist. One big take away from it was seeing how each event in the story causes the characters to loose control and fall deeper and deeper into chaos. (Also helped that as the exercise went on all of us were going delirious!) Excited to get in to tomorrow and begin staging, also excited to see how/where/if the hospital plot slots in!

Kiera Murray (Ensemble)

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Writing this one on the morning after. Went to bed early last night so as to get my brain ready for the work ahead.

We've finished the text explorations!!! A few of us then had a session in which we continued exploring the hospital plot.

More and more am I seeing parallels to the castle plot, which were not evident in my initial read through. Again: the power of hearing these words out loud with other people...

Ricky says we're behind schedule. But he's not freaking out. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't freaking out a LITTLE bit. On the other hand - I'm trusting the process - trusting the work we've done thus far; the understanding of this play and the text/physical explorations. We have so much to play with as we enter the staging phase.

It always works out.

I'm in awe of this company. I'm learning so much just by watching them. Very proud to be amongst them.

Mikko Juan (Ensemble)

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Today was cheekily political, but drama is politics, isn’t it? Something makes me feel as though Middleton’s political views wouldn’t have changed much if he were to have an opinion today…

Henrietta Rhodes (Diaphanta)

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